This Extra.Mystical.Lexicon contains my interpretations based on my own personal life experiences.
Spirit Signs, Messages, DayDreams, NightDreams, Tarot Meanings & my Life by the Numbers... relating to my reality.
For you, resonating or not, it's oftentimes in the synchronicity of exploration that we hit upon remarkable discoveries.

Be Mindful in Intuition

Night Dream

In a home unknown to me, it seemed part home and part campus, I, along with my family and a lot of other people, was celebrating my grandmother's birthday party. My grandma Aileen is blowing out her candles on a huge rectangular sheet cake. She is laughing.

Next scene, I'm following behind Grandma Aileen. She's driving a really old silver Cadillac. I'm experiencing feelings of distracted driving, or wrong turns...

Back at the home/school, I realize I've lost my pink cell phone. (irl my current phone is a silver S6) I'm looking for it everywhere, along with my brother Tim and high school people like Julie Wadel. Checking lost and founds and different classes and security... not finding it.

I figure it's not worth worrying too much over because I know my mom and dad have my other, 2nd phone.


Signs & Symbols
lost phone = rely upon it for so much and even take it for granted [Spirit]
distraction = losing phone, driving distracted [not being mindful]
searching = looking everywhere, yet not checking in with Spirit
home/school = life is my ongoing lesson [05 Teacher]
grandma Aileen = her marriage mirrors my own

Feelings - in the dream I felt concerned, a little worried, but wanting to let it go since I have another phone. [= I always have Spirit]

irl - (in real life) - hmm... I'm worried about four, recent intuitive readings about my marriage that all include 5 of Air and 5 of Fire (+ 10.Air, 3.Air & Tower). I don't like the 5-Pips! One was even my own reading (Wheel + 5.Fire + 5.Air) the other three readings were from Linda, Jon, and Carly at MeetUp practices.

Epiphany = pay better attention and be more mindful. When these negative readings happened, with all of them, I wasn't being mindful. I was being casual and asking only a half assed question. With Jon, going against my better intuition, I agreed to his reading for me with no question.

I'm seeing how important clear and precise questioning is.

Action - I'm drawing three cards about why the 5's, as I'm feeling like everything is fine in our marriage, sex is good at the moment, I have a healthy understanding and almost appreciation of different paths (video games vs spirit speak). I don't see him showing signs of having an affair. We seem to both be equally excited about the future. So, what's up with that???

...drawing from the Gaian Tarot...
5`Teacher (#SpiritSign = shows up on my phone)
"use questioning, teasing, and storytelling to inspire and intrigue lazy students." 
"Intending to learn one thing and end up learning something else."

3`Water - Seek joy and tell others about our happiness = joy grows.
12`Tree - Stillness and receptivity are called for.
4`Water - Be grateful to Spirit by noticing messages and taking actions.

Epiphany - Maybe the fives kept coming up to get my attention. They did not resonate, so it forced me to look deeper into what's really going on here. And, the message is to take divination and practice more seriously.

Be Mindful! 
Pay attention when I'm in a reading. 
It's a sacred gift. Honor it.

Action + Next Step
~> Intuitive reading... share it with Dean... set intentions...
On Sunday, 1/24/16, the 25th anniversary of the day we first met.

Thursday, 1/21/2016 + 4/7 = day 6

The Teacher
Epiphanies Tarot