I feel like I miss you already."
~ wife
As I'm getting ready for my next SoulOh,
the Six of Air always comes to mind.
It's a bitter sweet mix of anticipation and regret.
In my past three solo travels, sometimes I'd let myself miss my home (my own bed, my husband, and puppy loves) so much that it clouded the adventure. I vow to not let that happen this time.
I will live in the moment, relishing beauty and epiphanies.
I will not miss not being missed, cherished, or most of all, held.
Yesterday, I found a personal writing from 2003.
My wishes and dreams were exactly the same then and they are today. It made me sad. I thought I had grown?
Maybe I have, because I'm inspired now, and again, to finally conquer these recurring themes
...of making a positive difference in my daughter's life,
...of my home being a resort,
...of being desirable,
...of being remarkable.
Six of Air
= leaving baggage behind, forget me nots, past wishes, traveling into the unknown, a brighter future...
2/25/16 + 4/7 = day 2